Top files at Ceolas

Here are some summary stats for the month of March 1996, showing the number of downloads of many of the files and areas at Ceolas. For clarity, many files have been eliminated, and others are rolled together into larger headings.

Statistics Summary

Files Transmitted During Summary Period        354,128
Megabytes Transmitted During Summary Period      3,339
Average Files Transmitted Daily                 11,423
Average Megabyte Transmitted Daily                 107
Unique hosts contacting Ceolas                  31,272

Percentage of requests sorted by country/domain

File listings

  Requests   Archive Section
 -------- |------------------------------------
    20518 | Ceolas Home Page
     6521 | Tunes page
     3689 | Celtic Music Festivals (total)
     3390 | Internet Resources for Celtic Music
     1997 | What's New
     1478 | What is Celtic Music?
     1340 | About Ceolas
      442 | Ceolas poll results
     2311 | Other Links
      336 | Celtic Music radio programs
       17 | Thistle & Shamrock radio show listings

     2033 | Live Music
     1371 | Statewide events listings
      215 | Mailing lists for tour schedules
      583 | Irish traditional sessions listing
      215 | Places to hear Celtic Muisc

      681 | Celtic Music magazines
      292 | Irish publications in North America
       37 | Scottish publications in North America
      442 | Irish Music magazine review
      540 | Internet and celtic music article from Treoir magazine

Reviews and Sound Samples
     3882 | Narada celtic music samplers
     1557 | Celtic Legacy
     1966 | Celtic Odyssey/Narada
     2108 | Celtic Voices
     3846 | Narada sound samples (total)
      120 | Cailin_Gaelach lyrics
      301 | Siobhan Ni Dhuibhir lyrics
     1985 | Setting up audio on your Web browser
     1337 | Pick of the Month page

      236 | Celtic Music Regions
      435 | Celtic Music Regions - Brittany

Tunes Index
     1051 | Tuneindex - home page/tunesearch.html
     2672 | TuneIndex searches (total)
      119 | TuneIndex - bibliography
      197 | TuneIndex - introduction
      200 | TuneIndex - ReadMe

Artists Listings
     3398 | Artists Home page
     7611 | Artists profiles
     5079 | Artists profiles (text form)
For more details see here.

     2053 | Celtic Music Instruments main page
      193 | Accordion FAQ
       56 | Bagpipe.FAQ
      617 | Bagpipe_teachers list
      219 | Bodhran_making guide
       46 | Cittern guide
        8 | Concertina FAQ
      233 | Flute guide (text)
      430 | Flute guide (hypertext)
       47 | Gibson guide
      181 | Harp FAQ
       11 | Mandolin family guide
      435 | Tin Whistle guide
      235 | Making a Tin Whistle
      115 | Celtic Music accompaniment
      273 | Fiddle bibliography
        9 | harmonica discography
      142 | Pipes bibliography
       67 | Uilleann pipes discography
       11 | Uilleann pipe makers

Tour Schedules
      315 | Tour schedules - entire listing
     3089 | Tour schedules - listing by artist
     2617 | Tour schedules - listing by state
      177 | Tour schedules - Europe

     5998 | RRTunebook - tunes
     2311 | RRTunebook - homepage
     1035 | abc tunes 
      202 | abc tunes in gzip postscript format
      337 | abc tunes in postscript format
     1741 | Bagpipe.tex tunes
      613 | Tunes in MIDI format

      152 | MuTeX program files
      197 | Music.Printer files
       93 | Music.TeX program files
     1361 | abc2mtex program and demo files
      222 | abc2ps program files
      329 | abcwin program files
      321 | bagpipe.tex program files
       48 | midi2tex program files
       73 | Chord Magic, chord transposition program
       52 | Playabc
      178 | MacABC homepage
      165 | Listing of Computer Music Programs

     2706 | Celtic art - knotwork
     1137 | Irish Traditional Music Archive leaflets
      309 | Irish National Anthem
      114 | "Northern Fiddler" Index
      271 | Seamus's CD list
      142 | Celtic Music in Spain
     1022 | Favourite Albums (Irtrad-L poll)
      199 | Irish Music in Finland
      120 | Fleadh Ceol rules
     3015 | Mail-order database (total)
      278 | Claddagh Records 'new releases' newsletter
      186 | Claddagh Records catalog

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