Celtic Music Mail Order List

Additions / Corrections

If you have any Additions or corrections please e-mail them to Lloyd MacIsaac at macisaac@fox.nstn.ca

I really appreciate the efforts so many of you have made to keep the listings up to date. Your information has made this venture possible. To ensure consistent content please provide as much of the following information as you may know:

  1. Legal name of firm
  2. Mailing Address of firm
  3. Telephone number of firm (include toll and toll free numbers as applicable)
  4. Fax number of firm
  5. Payment accepted. Try to be specific: cheques drawn in what funds , which charge cards, minimum amounts
  6. Description of goods and services provided. Please avoid qualitative descriptions (it seems everyone likes to be know as the largest). Try to use 240 characters (3 lines) or less.
  7. Internet contacts. Please give both a) email and b) web site
  8. When you were last in contact

I try to update the list quarterly.

Thanks, Lloyd MacIsaac

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