Pictures of Bodhráns and Other Good Stuff

Click on any small picture to get a larger copy.


Buck Bodhráns

Kevin Rice sent these photos (total 17K) of his Buck 18" tunable drums.

Elderly Bodhráns

Brian Nelson sent me a set of pictures (20K total) of his Elderly drum.

Mance Grady Bodhráns

Mance Grady makes some lovely drums. I have a set of pictures (25K) of his drums and of Grady playing.

John Anderson Bodhrnáns

Anderson sent me this picture of his drums and tippers.

Roundstone Bodhráns

Malachy Kearns was kind enough to send me some photos from his shop (14K). He's also very proud of appearing on an Irish stamp!

A Brendan White bodhrán, played by Johnny McDonagh

I got
a couple pictures (13K) of Johnny McDonagh the last time Arcady came through NYC.

My Drums

Vanity requires that I show off my own drums (29K).


I have some pictures of bodhrán beaters (23K). One of the pictures contains two sets of wooden bones. Ken Larson has good pictures of a variety of beaters and brush sticks that he's made.


Other Pictures

[Picture] Gerard Robinson sent this picture of his drum, and a picture of the mike he installed in it. The frame of his drum was made by Marcus Music; he skinned it himself.

Ken Larson has a nice drawing of a bodhrán on his home page. My friend Andrew Draskóy has a nice photo of himself playing. Richard Griffiths has a cute cartoon of a bodhránist on his home page.

Various drum makers and retailers have websites with pictures of their products.

Niall McDonagh sent a photo of part of a painting of a session on the walls of a bar called The Field in Cambridge, MA. Michael Hanrahan has posted a lovely picture of a bodhránist and other musicians playing on cliffs of Moher

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Josh Mittleman

Last updated 30 Mar 1999