Public Domain Knotwork Graphics

These knotwork lines are entirely in the public domain. Copy them and use them as you will; click on any of the next four images to download it. I would appreciate it if you would not use them in the blue-and-green combination that I chose for my own pages.


The knotwork frames in the header on the bodhran home page and the bodhran jokes page are not public domain; in using them on my web pages, I am probably violating copyright. It's a fair cop. Please don't exacerbate my crime by copying or re-distributing them. If you want celtic clip-art, I understand that Dover Publications licenses some of its artwork for software distribution. You can reach them in New York City at (212) 255-3755.

The circular knotwork icon at the bottom of every page may not be copied.

You can find other collections of Celtic artwork at Celtic Web Art, and the Ceolas Celtic Clip Art Page.


Josh Mittleman

Last updated 30 Mar 1999