This page provides a way to find the (US) National Public Radio stations in your state that are known to carry the Thistle & Shamrock program. It is based on a list of about 380 stations compiled over the last 6 or so years, mostly by volunteers. The full list is accessible as a plain text file (about 30 Kilobytes), or you can query for an individual state:
If you would like to send me info about a new station airing the program, changes in the schedule of a currently listed station, or (boo hiss!) a station that is no longer airing it, please fill out this form. Thanks!
The information obtained from this simple query tool, including the text of the full list) may be freely passed on to others, provided this disclaimer and the source are both included and provided that the information derived from this page never be sold or traded. Give it freely or not at all.
I have NO connection with the Thistle & Shamrock, Fiona Ritchie Productions, NPR, WFAE, or any other radio station. I'm just a satisfied listener who maintains the list for the benefit of others.
For radio programs airing Celtic type music other than the
Thistle and Shamrock, see Gerard Manning's excellent list at
The Radio Program has a brochure that gives some background on Fiona Ritchie and the show, and includes information about their Newsletter, Playlists, and Souvenirs -- T-shirts, a pin, tankard and coasters. If you want this brochure, send a self-addressed stamped envelope (legal size) to "The Thistle and Shamrock, P.O. Box 560646, Charlotte, NC 28256 (USA)".
For more information on the Thistle and Shamrock, check out NPR's official web page on the program at You can find a schedule of what will be on upcoming broadcasts at For additional Irish/Celtic resources on internet, check out my Irish and Celtic Thingies web page at, or its mirror site at
The list on which this page is based is one that I started to maintain
back in 1993, when the usenet newsgroup
first got
started (it needed some content and this was my contribution). I used to
post a text version of it about every two weeks, and asked each time for
volunteers to let me know of new stations or changes (I'm still asking;
see below). Finally, in mid-1997, the program got its own official home page. My
humble effort here is independent of the NPR site.