How others see Ceolas

Here is a random collection of some of the more than 2,000 links to the Ceolas home page, (with another 2,000 or so to other parts of Ceolas) to give an indication of how Ceolas is seen by other celtic webmasters. The only selection I used was that the link had to describe Ceolas in some way, good or bad!
Chuck's Best of Celtic links page
By far the best celtic site on the web is Ceolas, the first REALLY huge megasite for all things celtic.
Mike Simpson's Home Page
Ceolas Celtic Music Archive - The most complete Irish music source on the Web.
Dan Beimborn's Celtic Music Index Page
No listing of Celtic resources is complete without a pointer to the Grand-daddy of them all, Gerard Manning's Ceolas Archive.
3 hams on rye links page (Irish/Celtic Music)
Ceolas Home Page: You won't find a more complete celtic music website.
Another links page
Ceolas, the Mother of All Traditional Music Sites.
Gary Newman's 'Other folk links'
Ceolas - the quintessential Celtic music site, hosted out of Stanford University. Start here and you may end up anywhere in a few days of browsing, that is, if you come up for air.
Jeremy's Celtic-Filk-Folk On-Line Connections
Ceolas celtic music archive GREAT SITE!
WZBC Celtic music links
I will be adding to this list soon but, for now, the following is the only URL you'll need for a comprehensive reference to Celtic music on the internet: Gerard Manning's Ceolas Celtic music home page
The Cuckoo's Nest Folk Club
The Ceolas Archives are perhaps the best links on the web for celtic connections. Their site includes info on performers, instruments, music, software and more.
Old Bridge Music
Ceolas celtic music archive: A huge site full of information on an enormous range of topics. Make sure you visit them in a cheap rate period!

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